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LoTW Export Hanging Program.

Verfasst: Sonntag 12. Dezember 2010, 17:16
von MD0MDI
Whenever I select...

QSL > LOTW > Export ADIF+TQ8 File

The Dialogue box appears, if I then select all entries, and then select 'Collect', it goes through the process and collects all of the log entries and then 'Hangs', I cannot get any other response from the software, I cannot select any other windows, I then have to close UcxLog via Task Manager!

Any ideas?


Re: LoTW Export Hanging Program.

Verfasst: Sonntag 12. Dezember 2010, 18:36
von DL7UCX
Hello James,

the problem should be fixed in 6.66 Beta 6, please check it.

It occured only in special configurations but fortunately I could reproduce it.
There was another message windows behind the "collect" windows, unreachable but waiting for a OK click...

73 Ben

Re: LoTW Export Hanging Program.

Verfasst: Sonntag 12. Dezember 2010, 19:07
von MD0MDI
Thanks again Ben... SORTED!

Have a great Christmas if I don't post again before then... Many 73's, and Thanks again for all the hard work that you do with regards to this software, it is VERY much appreciated...