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CAT Elecraft K3 - loosing connection

Verfasst: Samstag 3. August 2019, 08:59
von oz1bii
When I am in a contest I sometime loose the CAT USB connection. That is especially if mismatch with antenna or to big near-field.
I have done a lot to prevent, but sometimes it do not work.

I can see that you have made a "fix" to reconnect in the normal work-window with the "TRX" on/off.
Can you make the same in the Contest window?

As now I have to goto Transmitter and do a Auto reconnection and that is taking time.

What you say?

Re: CAT Elecraft K3 - loosing connection

Verfasst: Samstag 3. August 2019, 09:49
von DL7UCX
Hello Henning,

The switch "TRX on/off" is not a fix for COM port hardware problems, it was created for alternating use of the TRX by 2 programs.

The best way is to eliminate the interference from your TRX :!:
As work-around you can keep open in background the QSO work window simultaneously with the Contest work window .
Then you can put it to foreground, switch TRX off and on and continue with Contest work.

73 Ben

Re: CAT Elecraft K3 - loosing connection

Verfasst: Mittwoch 14. August 2019, 21:31
von oz1bii
OK - I have a very heavy USB A>B cable with four ferrits :-)
I will do the trick with the Work-window in background.

Re: CAT Elecraft K3 - loosing connection

Verfasst: Donnerstag 15. August 2019, 08:46
von DL7UCX
Hello Henning,

The 4 inductivities of only 1 winding may be still too small for the frequency.
Try also some windings throug a bigger ferrit and
don't forget to do it for all other cables to the notebook.

73 Ben