Icom's OK, But Hassles with Yaesu and Kenwood

Moderator: DL7UCX

Beiträge: 86
Registriert: Dienstag 14. Juli 2009, 23:59
Wohnort: Isle of Man

Icom's OK, But Hassles with Yaesu and Kenwood

Beitrag von MD0MDI »

I have no issues at all plugging in an Icom and using the software with it, but everything else seems problematic.

I have just about got the Yaesu FT-897D and FT-2000D working with it, but for some reason it doesn't like it sometimes, not sure why, but a reboot of the PC seems to cure the problems.

As for Kenwood though, both TS-480SAT and TS-2000, forget it, does not matter what I try it just does not talk to the software.

I know that the leads are OK as if I shutdown UcxLog and Startup HRD that sees it perfectly and works no problem, but then if I try UcxLog again, nowt!

Any ideas... ??? I really like the software but it is causing me and others real hassles and we need to get this sorted before the next DXpedition, else we will have to use HRD instead.
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Registriert: Mittwoch 9. August 2006, 20:50

Re: Icom's OK, But Hassles with Yaesu and Kenwood

Beitrag von DC3RJ »


the 480 needs Power from the Com Port. I have RTS and DTR always on. But if u use them for PTT i dont now how you do this (may be one of the Ports u can use?).
With ur problem about yaesu rigs i have no idee it works always perfect her whit 920/1000.

73 de Juergen, DC3RJ
Beiträge: 86
Registriert: Dienstag 14. Juli 2009, 23:59
Wohnort: Isle of Man

Re: Icom's OK, But Hassles with Yaesu and Kenwood

Beitrag von MD0MDI »

The Yaesu issue is just annoying, it can sometimes take 3-4 reboots of the PC to work, what is really annoying though is that if I switch software to HRD it works first time everytime, not sure what the differences are, but there has to be something?

The Kenwood one I have tried everything, wont be using them for PTT so thats not an issue, just wish I knew what way to go, tried all settings, even 3 different PC's 2 Laptops and 1 home PC, again, rather annoyingy HRD works forst time, every time, same cable, same ports, same settings, really confused.....
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Re: Icom's OK, But Hassles with Yaesu and Kenwood

Beitrag von DL7UCX »

Hello James,

I'm very astonished at your lot of problems.

There are many UcxLog users controlling a FT-2000 without any problems.

I use a TS-480SAT by myself as second TRX, never had problems.
You have to select "No protocol, DTR/RTS high".
Key and PTT is not possible with the same COM port and a standard RS-232 cable.

73 Ben
Beiträge: 86
Registriert: Dienstag 14. Juli 2009, 23:59
Wohnort: Isle of Man

Re: Icom's OK, But Hassles with Yaesu and Kenwood

Beitrag von MD0MDI »

Can you do me a favour and check out the wiring pin-outs for the serial cable that you are using, and let me know what they are, the only thing I can think of is that I am not using the correct cable. It is possible, but then wht does this cable work with other software?